There’s nothing like a wee dram of Scotch or Irish Whiskey for a ‘pick me up’ during this time of COVID-19 pandemic. It’s no surprise Whiskey sales are through the roof, and one of the highest growing spirit segments in the US. Most of the growth has been in the super premium range as consumers are becoming connoisseurs in nose, taste and finish without a need to ‘mix’ their drinks. In Ireland and Scotland we like to drink it with just a wee taste of water to “open it up”..
My husband and I couldn’t help noticing a group of four fraternity brothers who had just graduated college from Boston in the tasting rooms at Glendfiddich Distilery last Spring when we visited. The Speyside trail in the Highlands is a bucket list for the younger generation and women too; and not just for old man’s cigar clubs. In today’s big conglomerate take over’s it’s getting harder to find companies that are still family owned. Shamrock and Peach Tours are proud to visit both Tullamore Dew in Ireland and Glendfiddich who are owned and run by William Grant and Sons. The name ‘Glendfiddich’ means valley of the deer in Gaelic, and the location of the distillery beside a fresh water spring is the back bone of the whisky’s produced there.

William Grant and Sons are Five generations and counting
Something to look forward to in the Highlands or at home… Slainte!
Shamrock and Peach (Judith)